How Modera Rincon Hill Redefines Urban Living with Its Rooftop Terraces

A rooftop terrace surrounded by buildings.

Urban living often means sacrificing outdoor space, but Modera Rincon Hill challenges this notion with its stunning rooftop terraces. Adjacent to the San Francisco Bay Bridge in the Rincon Hill neighborhood, this residential high-rise offers expansive outdoor areas designed to enhance the living experience for its residents. In this post, we explore how these terraces redefine urban living, focusing on their design, functionality, and the breathtaking views they offer.

Urban Oasis Above the City

San Francisco's skyline is iconic, and Modera Rincon Hill adds to its beauty with well-designed rooftop terraces. These terraces provide residents with a serene escape, allowing them to enjoy the outdoors without leaving the city. The project, designed by TCA Architects with PGA design as landscape architect, and landscaped by Eggli Landscape Contractors.

A highlight of the terraces is the addition of weathering steel planters by Tournesol. These planters not only add to the modern aesthetic but also provide durable, low-maintenance options for urban landscaping.

Functional and Beautiful Design

The rooftop terraces at Modera Rincon Hill are designed to be both functional and beautiful. They offer spaces for private relaxation as well as communal gatherings, catering to the diverse needs of the residents. Whether it's enjoying a quiet moment surrounded by greenery in front of a fire pit, or hosting a barbecue with friends, the terraces provide versatile spaces that enhance the living experience.

Photographic Journey: Capturing the Essence of the Terraces

Photographing the terraces at Modera Rincon Hill was a unique experience. With limited access to the site, the focus was on capturing the beauty of the space during the late afternoon and evening. 

The golden hour, with its soft, warm light, highlighted the textures and colors of the landscape design. As the sun set, the transition to dusk and blue hour added a magical quality to the photographs, with the city lights twinkling in the background.

Commissioned by clients involved in the landscaping, I felt free to go beyond normal architectural subjects and enjoyed making images of everything from the geometric pattern of planters from above, to the close-up detail of the leaves of a climbing vine.

Dynamic Elements and Natural Light

One of the more artistic elements captured in the photographs is the motion blur of grasses moving in the wind. These long exposure shots add a dynamic quality to the images, showcasing the living, breathing aspect of the terraces. It's a subtle detail, but it adds depth and movement, making the space feel alive.

Natural light plays a crucial role in architectural photography, and the rooftop terraces at Modera Rincon Hill are no exception. The design of the terraces allows for maximum exposure to sunlight, creating a bright and inviting atmosphere. The photographs taken during golden hour showcase this beautifully, with the warm light enhancing the colors and textures of the landscaping.

Parting Ideas

The rooftop terraces at Modera Rincon Hill are more than just an outdoor space; they are a sanctuary in the heart of the city. Through thoughtful design and meticulous landscaping, they provide residents with a place to relax, socialize, and enjoy the beauty of San Francisco. The photographs captured during golden and blue hours highlight the stunning features of the terraces, showcasing their role in redefining urban living.

Key Takeaways from the Article

  • Modera Rincon Hill's rooftop terraces offer a tranquil escape in San Francisco's urban environment.

  • Designed by TCA Architects, PGA Design and landscaped by Eggli Landscape Contractors, the terraces feature weathering steel planters by Tournesol.

  • The terraces provide multifunctional spaces for private relaxation and communal gatherings, maximizing the use of space.

  • Photographs captured during golden and blue hours highlight the terraces' beauty and the dramatic city backdrop.

  • The design allows for ample natural light, creating a bright and inviting atmosphere for residents.

  • Incorporating both private and communal areas enhances the overall resident experience.

  • Long exposure photography can effectively capture dynamic elements of landscape architecture, like moving grasses or water features.


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